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Traducción de textos Ingles: History of Multimedia. If you are of the mindset that multimedia is some phrase from the 1990's, guess again. Webster's research indicates 1962 as the earliest recorded use (in English) of the word "multimedia" which is defined as "using, involving or encompassing several media." Media (plural of medium) in this inference, represents any means, agency, or instrumentality through which a force acts or an effect is produced. The multimedia concept can be traced to Paul Nipkow, a German, who in 1884 at age 24 developed the first video disc. Nipkow combined his video disc with Guglielmo Marconi's radio components yielding the Nipkow system, which endured well into the 1920's as the standard for research in video/audio projection. A simple example of media communications would be the telegraph, developed in the U.S. by Samuel Morse in the mid 1800's. It is an example of a communications system employing only "carrier...